Philip Hilton - Well-being Consultant
Shamanic Services

This is our range of greater in-depth Shamanic healing therapy and guidance sessions on more specialised topics. These sessions usually last around 3 hours each as they include divination or other additional services.
When you contact us, please include any details of the imbalance or issue you need assistance with. For clarification and to aid you in getting the best out of your healing sessions we may ask you to fill in a short health questionnaire. This is so we can choose the correct energies for your specific problem. This is entirely in confidence.
We only offer distance healing and therapy, and not in person. Be reassured that there is no compromise in the quality or the result of your session, as it makes no differences if energy travels an inch or a thousand miles!
Please note: Appointments cannot be secured until I have received all relevant information for your sessions and payment in full
Sessions With Phil

- Anam Cara Soul Reading
- Business Success and Prosperity Flow
- Conjure-Hoodoo
- New Home Blessing
- Soul Retrieval Spirit Release
- Psychopomp
- Know Your Spiritual Guide
- Know Your Animal Spirit Guide
- Egyptian Healing
- Pachakuti Mesa Healing Session
- Shadow Weaving
- Shamanic Healing
- Shamanic Pet/Animal Healing
- Shamanic House Tune-Up
- Tarot, Oracle & Rune Readings.
Sessions With Raine

- Angelic Life Path Healing For Adults
- Angelic Life Path Healing For Children
- Anxiety Care Healing Session
- Back to School Crystal Support Healing Session
- Charm Casting
- Complete Auric Field Flush
- Crystal Healing Session
- Lightworkers First Aid Healing Session
- NEWSelf Love Sacred Vessel Healing Session
- Usui Reiki Healing Session or Package
Advanced Healing Sessions £65
Soul Care Packages

Simply choose 4 or more sessions listed below from either myself or Raine and we will deduct 15% from the total. This gives you the ability to tailor-make your own Soul Care Package just as you wish.
Design Your Own Healing Package
This is an ideal way to target key areas of your health, well-being, or spiritual development and save money too!
If you would like any advice regarding which sessions are best for your particular situation, we are always happy to help.
All feedback will be sent by email as a Word Document so we both have a permanent record of what has happened to refer back to if needed.
During your session, we will enter into a deep trance meditation and journey into the astral realms so we will not be able to communicate with you vocally. For this reason, we do not use the phone, Skype, or Zoom as it would pull us back into this world, weakening the connection between our higher self aspects.
Choose whichever sessions you feel drawn to and then click all the links for full details of each session. Please mention the special offer package price when placing your order to save 15%