Faery & Magickal-Philip Hilton - Well-being Consultant

Faery & Magickal Creatures Healing Systems


With Each Attunement Purchased You Will Receive:

  • One in-depth guide to the system
  • One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls!
  • You will receive all attunements sent by Chi Ball or 'real time' appointment
  • One emailed certificate
  • Your lineage
    When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments listed below please email me


    Faeries of the Seasons 

    The following Faeries of the Seasons Connection Empowerments are channelled by Raine & Philip Hilton, to aid in your connection and work with the Faery Realm. When wishing to connect with Faery it can help to strengthen your connection by working with a member of Faery within your current seasonal cycle, these will guide, inspire and motivate you to be at your very best as you follow the seasons and flow of the year. You may have found this to be a difficult thing to do if you live in a city away from nature. 

    You can take these attunements at the beginning of each season, or you can take them a week apart and then work with the energies thorough the year. You may purchase each season individually or as a package.

    The four manuals contain the following to further aid you in developing a working relationship with each Faery:

    • Unique channelled communication direct from that season's Fey channelled by Philip Hilton.
    • Music; find out which music the Fey loves to hear.
    • Scent; what is the best scent to use when wishing to attract each one to you?
    • Colour; which colour resonates with Faery?
    • Unique ritual to enable, and to strengthen your connection to each Faery
    • 2 symbols for healing and working magically.
    • Background information on each of the 4 seasonal Faeries, and other useful information.

    On your journey you will meet:

    *Ice Faery Chantilla - A Winter Faery Connection Empowerment  £10

    *Maisley- A Spring Faery Connection Empowerment £10

    *The Firberrys- A Summer Faery Connection Empowerment £10

    *Tuberelle- An Autumn Faery Connection Empowerment £10

    Faery Kings & Queens Connection Empowerments 

    The following Faery King/Queen Connection Empowerments channelled by Raine & Philip Hilton, to aid in your connection and work with the Faery Realm. When wishing to connect with Faery it helps to choose a Faery King and Queen to work with, these will become your foundation for learning and will act as guide, protector, as well as your inspiration and motivation. They will open up areas of Faery to you that are usually off limits to those of the human realm.

    With each King or Queen attunement and manual you will receive:

    • Unique channelled communication direct from your chosen King/Queen channelled directly by Philip Hilton.
    • Ritual ways to connect to your King/Queen, including music, find out the popular piece of music which this Fey Royalty loves to hear.
    • Scent; which is the best scent to use when wishing to attract them to you? 
    • Which colour resonates with your King/Queen?
    • A unique channelled ritual to enable and to strengthen your connection your King/ Queen.
    • Faery poem to enhance working mood.
    • Background on your King/Queen and other useful information.

    Choose from the following Queens:

    *Faery Queen Maeve Connection Empowerment  £10
    *Faery Queen Morgan Le Fey Connection Empowerment £10
    *Faery Queen Oonagh Connection Empowerment £10
    *Faery Queen Argante Connection Empowerment £10
    *Faery Queen Caelia Connection Empowerment £10
    * Faery Queen Holda Connection Empowerment £10
    Choose from the following Kings:
    *Faery King Oberon Connection Empowerment  £10
    *Faery King Gwyn Ap Nudd Connection Empowerment  £10
    *Faery King Donn Fierna Connection Empowerment  £10
    *Faery King Finvarra Connection Empowerment  £10
    *Faery King Midar Connection Empowerment  £10
    *Faery King Sil Connection Empowerment  £10


     Working With Magickal Creatures

    Ancient Wisdom Of The Dragons Attunement £25

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Dragons have always been a part of human consciousness. Our first exposure to them will most likely have been through faery stories as a young child. Many of these portrayed Dragons in a negative and fearsome way. For some of us as we grew older and began to explore our spiritual path we learned to connect to Dragon energy in a Shamanic way. For those who choose to commit to this path a store of ancient wisdom is at their disposal. Dragons are very protective of those who work with them and can be called on for assistance and guidance when needed. They are especially helpful in cases where a sense of judgement and fairness is called for, but be aware they will work for the highest good of all concerned so you may not receive the outcome you want but you will receive what you need.

    Dragons gift us with abundance, prosperity and good fortune. Their very nature symbolises power, control, bravery, determination, commitment, boldness and perseverance. All of these qualities can help us to manifest the life we deserve with drive, passion, ambition, intelligence and energy. Dragons are the Guardians to the doors of wisdom. Dragons are seen as powerful symbols reflecting the whole of nature. They reflect qualities such as movement (changing seasons in nature and in our lives) and acceptance for all that is just as it is. They teach us to follow patterns in life and to determine if they are creative or destructive.  For this system we will be working with the Elemental Dragons and Crystal Dragon Eggs.

    Learn about:

    • Dragon tales through history
    • Elemental Dragons
    • Crystal Dragon Eggs
    • Working with Dragons
    • Dragon Totem Animal
    • Dragon Power Animal
    • Dragon Dreams
    • Dragon Meditation

    Christmas Faery Spirit Energy £15

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Faeries have become such an intrinsic part of the Spirit of Christmas. Many people include Faeries in their celebration of Christmas without consciously thinking about the special connection. Families place a Faery on top of the Christmas tree and then decorate it with Faery lights, often gathering around it before bed, reading Faery stories to their children. I know this is something we loved doing with our children when they were small, and not quite so small too!

    But, Faeries are more than just a pretty decoration; they bring their very own special kind of magic. This magic you can feel when you sit quietly, enjoying the flickering lights, the bright baubles and the aroma of your Christmas scented candles, perhaps while snuggling up with a cosy blanket and sipping a hot chocolate. There is a sparkling in the air, a tingling of the senses, a return to the childlike excitement of looking forward to the big day.

    This energy system captures perfectly this magical moment. It will help you to get in touch with your inner sense of wonder and openness to the Fey. It will draw family members closer together in the spirit of joy, even if they cannot be with you, you will feel their energy surrounding you. No matter what has happened throughout the year, now is a time of positivity, pure potential and gratitude for all the blessings in your life. It is your time to shine brightly and share the magic of Christmas with everyone.

    Manual includes: Energy activation poem – Information about the Christmas Tree Faery – Working with this energy - Christmas Tree Faery Spirit Blessing - New Year Gratitude Greetings for your Family

    Special December offers with this attunement:

    Spend £25 or more on any GVHT attunement and receive the Christmas Faery Spirit Energy for only £7.99

    Spend £50 or more on any GVHT attunement and receive the Christmas Faery Spirit Energy for just £1

    Courage & Vision of the Griffin £25

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    There were many different kinds of magical creatures that are hybrids or composite of two or more animals. As well as bearing the physical features of the actual animal they also carried the characteristics such as boldness, speed, and grace. A magical beast that was a combination of two or more different animals would possess the combined attributes and strengths of all those animals. Furthermore, they became symbols representing the Griffins virtues and attributes, which when expressed to those who possess certain knowledge bring greater meaning.

    The Griffin is hailed as “the king of all creatures,” and it is has the right personality for its title: noble, fearsome, and above all else, protective. It will fight to the death to keep evil and corruption out of its territory. In some cases, the Griffin’s “territory” might be a precious object, or even a living creature, rather than a piece of land. They are well-known for guarding treasures, sacred sites, and royal families. Their loyalty can also be seen in their mating habits; they choose only one mate for their whole lives, and if that mate dies, they spend the rest of their days alone.

    When we look at working with the Griffin as a Power Animal, we must be totally focused on what it is we are asking for. They are highly logical intelligent beings and do not suffer fools gladly. They will not become embroiled in petty squabbles or for vengeful purposes. These noble creatures only work for the light, the greater good of all. They will be a powerful protector for you and instil courage and strength to help you face whatever battles are ahead of you. They work with whatever is already within you, like watering a seed and nurturing it as it grows. Your goal is to create fertile ground within you for this to happen.

    Learn about:

    • Lion & Eagle magical properties
    • Griffin Attributes & History
    • Working with the Griffin
    • Griffin Journey of Transformation

    Father Christmas Empowerment £15

    Founder: Philip Hilton

    You can study folklore, research history or check Professor Google for answers, yet none will be truer than the tingle you will feel as you remember the childlike wonder of Christmas time and the spirit that came with it. Remember childlike is far removed from childish, which is acting like a child. Being childlike is to be open to wonders and magic, things so often scorned by supposed wise and sensible adults.

    There are many assumptions concerning the subject of what constitutes Christmas Spirit. The figure of the wise old elf Father Christmas, Santa Clause, Kriss Kringle, The Wise Old Man and Saint Nicholas. These are names which have origins in different languages and yet each has the power to confer a certain magic at this time of year. It is all too easy to disregard most of these characters as childhood fancies, yet beneath the modern commercial sugar coating, there hides the truth.

    The one we will be working with is an old energy and one with more than a little resemblance to that familiar figure of the woods and forests, The Green man. We will be tapping into this ancient energy as we work with the elusive man himself, Father Christmas. After your attunement enjoy a beautiful guided meditation to meet Father Christmas.

    Special December offers with this attunement:

    Spend £25 or more on any GVHT attunement and receive the Father Christmas Empowerment for only £7.99

    Spend £50 or more on any GVHT attunement and receive the Father Christmas Empowerment for just £1


    Golden Phoenix Journey of Transformation  £25

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    The Phoenix represents the sacred journey of transformation, death, and rebirth by invoking the cleansing and renewing element of fire. We can use this powerful rite of passage in the same way that the Phoenix does as a ritual for transformation in our own lives. This is a wonderful way to transmute negativity into a positive learning experience.

    Perhaps you feel energetically, mentally, emotionally or even physically stuck in a particular aspect of your life. You may be involved in a situation that is dragging you down and draining you of energy and your passion and enthusiasm for life. Each situation, positive or negative, leaves energetic imprints within our auric field. Over time these imprints can weigh heavily on us, even negatively influence us, leaving us unable to shake free of the past or be able to embrace anything new.

    The purpose of this energy is to work with the Phoenix in a healing guided meditation journey to transmute the negative aspects of your life; to release the negative imprints of the shadows, hurts, pains, illness, and frustrations you are ready to let go of. These will be transmuted into positive light energy, and in doing so transform your life. You will then be free to soar high to great new heights and new beginnings.

    Learn about:

    • Phoenix attributes & history
    • Working with the Phoenix
    • Phoenix symbolism
    • Phoenix Spirit Totem
    • Phoenix dreams
    • Golden Phoenix Journey of Transformation Guided Meditation

    Nixie Emotional Balance Attunement £25

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Nixies are very in tune with the natural world that surrounds them making it easier for them to converse with wild animals. This also makes them an excellent choice to call on for any animal or pet healing. Their specialist intuitive abilities make it far easier for them to connect to other creatures as they exist on a compatible wavelength with them. The Nixies can also be of huge benefit to us, with their natural affinity to the intuitive gifts that water brings they encourage us to examine our own watery emotional state of being. Where there are blockages, or stale muddy water from negative emotions building up inside you they can help you to flush these away.

    If you have problems getting in touch with this side of you they can help you to be more open and perceptive and to trust your natural psychic abilities.

    If you struggle to cope with an overabundance of emotions you are experiencing they can help you to find a healthy balance.

    If you are experiencing hormonal imbalances they can help you to navigate your way through them.

    Nixies teach us to swim with the current of life, to dwell in the flow of synchronicity so that all that you need will appear when the time is right for it to do so.

    Manual includes:

    • Information about Nixies
    • Working with Nixies for emotional healing
    • 10 steps to emotional wellbeing
    • Guided Meditation to meet and work with the Nixies
    • Working with this energy for pets and other creatures.


    Pegasus Sacred Spring of Inspiration Attunement  £25

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Are you struggling to find inspiration in your daily life?

    Do you feel blocked and are unable to express your creative flow?

    Have you lost the sense of childlike magic and wonder in how you view the world?

    Do your dreams or goals fail to manifest, or never progress beyond the planning stage?

    Working with this sacred being will inspire you to tap into your natural abilities so you can channel and express your creative flow. You will then feel confident enough to release any blockages or inhibitions preventing you from being your very best. Pegasus will gently remind you to see the world through a childs eyes but with mature awareness and a discerning eye. He will open you up to new possibilities and directions in life that are In-line with your Soul Path.

    Pegasus is a beautiful being of love and light we can connect to and work with in our daily spiritual practices. As he flies through the air and lands just where he is called his unique energy force connects us powerfully to the elements of Air and Earth. These elements bring us inspiration and also the ability to manifest our goals through his connection to the Muses.

    This attunement will strengthen your connection to the Faery Realm and enhance any other Fey based system you are currently working with. Learn about:

    • Pegasus Early years
    • Pegasus & The Muses
    • Pegasus Symbolism & Dreams
    • Working with Pegasus
    • Pegasus Guided Meditation

    Selkie Wisdom Attunement £25

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    The Selkies are shapeshifters with the ability to transform from seals into beautiful, lithe humans. Once in human form the Selkie-folk will often dance merrily on the moonlit seashore or bask on sun drenched rocks. Shapeshifters such as Selkies not only transcend the limits of the body, they also transcend liminalities by functioning on both land and sea.

    Like all Fey, Selkies are naturally shy of human contact unless they first instigate it, so the best way of making contact with them and working with their energy is by connecting to them energetically. This attunement system will allow you to learn about them and their ways, and by following the beautifully illustrated guided meditation in the manual, to meet them and work with them. Selkies can help us to shift gracefully into different states of consciousness and helps us learn to be adaptable to the tides and rhythms of life.

    Selikies in their Seal guise are more at home in the water. They do not have external ears just small openings. This lends to hearing and balance of paying attention to the inner voice. Their association with water brings us more into balance with our creative, feminine and imaginative side. They help the inner creative imagination and inspiration balance with outer realities. They encourage us to embody the watery intuitive side of us and to balance this with the earthly manifestation of our dreams. They bring movement and playfulness to our lives.


    Unicorn Higher Awareness Attunement £25

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Unicorns still have the magical ability to enchant children and adults alike in todays hectic materialistic world. I have worked with Unicorns energetically for many years; they are gentle, wise, noble creatures. They are well known for their impressive healing power as well as their ability to awaken our natural intuitive gifts so we can expand our awareness and move deeper into the Faery Realm.

    They are naturally shy creatures and will only work with those with a loving heart and pure intention. Their gentle spirit makes them ideal for working with children to heal and rebalance their energies or to encourage them to develop their spiritual gifts in a way that is safe and comfortable for them. Many children have incredible spiritual awareness but find it difficult to share their experiences with adults in case they are disbelieved or ridiculed.

    For adults, Unicorns reawaken the belief in magic that was lost as they left childhood behind. This magic is not only about belief in Faery, but just as importantly, belief in yourself and your own abilities. Too often we allow our dreams to turn to dust, not even attempting to follow our heart, or to listen to the yearnings of our soul. We are constantly being programmed by the media, influenced into believing that life cannot get any better for us, being told that things will only grow harder and we should be lucky to have what we have. When enough people believe that, hardship manifests and negativity spreads quickly.

    It takes only one person to turn the tide and inspire the next one they meet. We can each make a difference in the lives of others. It only takes one small light to ignite a roomful of candles. The Faery Realm inspires and guides all those who are willing to learn through energy systems such as this one.

    Working with these sacred beings can help us to unlock our natural intuitive abilities and to feel secure enough to release any blockages preventing us from doing so. Our Higher Self aspect already know all we are capable of and also everything we agreed to complete for our soul journey for this incarnation. Fear, superstition, our upbringing through our formative years, our culture and community, even our loved ones can hinder our spiritual expression and development.

    The aim of this attunement system is to help you in releasing your spiritual inhibitions and negative self beliefs so that you can connect fully with your Higher Awareness and embrace your natural intuitive gifts, sharing them confidently with the world. This attunement will strengthen your connection to the Faery Realm and enhance any other Fey based system you are work with. 

    Learn about:

    • Unicorn Attributes & History
    • Working with Unicorns
    • Sleep Protection
    • Unicorn Healing
    • Truth Seeking
    • Unicorn Healing & Higher Awareness Guided Meditation Journey
    • FREE bonus Unicorn Healing Elixir Self Empowerment

     Other Faery Systems

     9 Sacred Faery Woods Initiation  £25

    Founder: Raine Hilton 

    This beautiful energy systems connects you to the Tree Spirits of the 9 Sacred faery Woods. Tree Spirits are members of the Faery Realm, they are also known as Dryads, Wood Nymphs or Hamadryads.  It is believed that they live only as long as the trees they inhabit. They are normally considered to be very shy creatures except around the goddess Artemis, who is known to be a friend to most nymphs. 

    Tree Spirits have the ability to shape shift between the form of a human or tree at will. Generally, dryads ease the karmic residue, often held in our bodies as energetic blocks. Each tree has a particular energy; oak dryads will strengthen you in times of stress and challenge, while willow spirits will allow your emotions to flow and can release negative thought patterns.

    This attunement connects you directly to the Tree Spirit of each of the 9 Woods and also to Elder which will seal in the energies of all others used. There are no complicated symbols to remember Faeries prefer simplicity and an ego free way of working.

    Learn about:

    • Tree Spirits
    • Nine Woods into the Cauldron Go
    • The healing and magical properties of working with the tree spirits of: Birch, Rowan, Apple, Vine, Fir, Willow, Hawthorn, Oak, Hazel, and also Elder
    • Working with the energy
    • Fire Festivals; burning the 9 sacred woods

    Chakra Rose Light Initiation £25

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Roses are known as the Queen of Flowers and have long been used for their powerful healing and magical properties. Roses bring healing in a loving nurturing way. This helps us to go beneath the surface of any issues and blockages to reach the root cause in a non-threatening and non-judgemental way.

    We will be working with Rose Deva who will imbue each of your 7 main chakras with her divine essence. Each Chakra Colour Rose Light Essence flows deep into your chakras where they will gently cleanse and bring to the surface any issues in need of acknowledgement, healing and release.

    Each colour vibrates at a different frequency, with red as the slowest and densest, violet, and white as the highest frequency. This corresponds to the colours of our chakras. Each colour has the power to alter us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

    Roses have an extremely long history, with fossil evidence showing their existence over 35 million years ago. Around 5000 years ago, the cultivation of roses is thought to have begun in China although it was only in the late 18th century that this type of rose made it to Europe.

    Learn About: Rose Colour Meanings – Chakra Meanings – Rose Symbolism - Rose Light Chakra Mediation – Rose Lore – Rose facts – How to Make Rose Water

    Chamomile Deep Relaxation Essence £15
    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Chamomile has many healing properties and magical uses, but its primary use in this energy system is to promote a feeling of deep relaxation and wellness. Chamomile helps you to release irritation, anxiety and insomnia. In a nutshell, it acts as a healing balm to soothe the senses.

    If you are living in fear and anxiety you may be in what is known as “survival mode”. This is where you are reacting irrationally and impulsively, you may be lashing out at others, or indulging in activities that are harmful to your wellbeing. When you experience stressful events your brain begins to function in a different capacity.

    You may be in survival mode if you are struggling to cope with trauma like the changes brought about by the global pandemic, or after the tragic death of a loved one or other radical change of circumstances.

    Chamomile Deep Relaxation Essence is an ideal energy system for both adults and children. Working with the Chamomile Oversoul Deva will help you create a safe sacred space to heal and rebalance. When we are centred we approach life’s problems from a stable emotional state so we can make wise and healthful choices.

    How to navigate your way out of Survival Mode,
    Health and magical benefits of Chamomile,
    Enjoy a relaxing guided mediation with the Oversoul Chamomile Deva.


    Crab Apple Deep Cleanse Flower Light Codes System £15

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Flower Light Codes Systems calibrate the exact vibrational frequency of energy you need to bring your mental and emotional states into a natural healthy alignment. This is done by channelling the Oversoul Flower Deva of the Crab Apple Flower. Healers and energy workers are continuously subjected to the negative energies of their clients and students, flushing the system with Crab Apple between sessions can lessen the effect on their own energy systems.

    If you are suffering from side effects from your medication or from inoculations then the essence of Crab Apple can help your body to filter away what is not needed by your body.  For those with allergies or intolerances even when special care is taken to avoid something you are sensitive to, you may still come into contact with it and suffer an adverse reaction. This energy system should never be used instead of your usual precautions; it will not magically shield you from whatever you are sensitive or allergic to. It will deeply cleanse your system and help to restore harmony and equilibrium making recovery time quicker and more comfortable.

    This energy is helpful when recovering from illness or injury. It is wonderful to use after an operation to help balance the mental, emotional and physical aspects of you. This is especially true for those whose physical appearance has been altered due to surgery such as amputation, excessive scarring, burns, mastectomy etc. On an emotional level Crab Apple is a wonderful energy to use for anyone suffer from a low self image, especially if they have experienced abuse or an assault of some kind which has left them feeling unclean or undesirable. This is also helpful for those who live with conditions such as OCD. Obsessive compulsive disorder

    Daffodil Spring Essence Cleanse £15
    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Like many others, I eagerly await the sight of the first daffodil of the year, knowing that Spring is finally here after a long, cold winter. These simple, cheerful flowers are known as the “Flower of March” and symbolise new life, new beginnings, fertility, prosperity, love and good luck. They have bright, happy, cleansing energy to work with and are often included in rituals and spell work for luck, love and fertility.

    Carrying the vibrational frequency of the season of Spring, Daffodil energy will help you harness the power of rebirth and vitality. They grow through ice and snow, heavy rain and bitterly cold winds. Showing us, that no matter what we have been struggling through it has made us stronger and more resilient. Daffodils remind us that through our hardships, new beginnings are just around the corner.

    Working with Daffodil Flower Deva will help you to harness this energy to use as a daily cleanse and rejuvenation of your whole auric field. Resonating with the solar plexus, daffodils will help to lift your mood, balance your emotions and encourage you to step into spring with a smile on your face.

    Daffodils emit a bright, uplifting, cheerful energy that can bring joy and happiness into your life. These cheerful yellow flowers can help you tap into your own inner light allowing it to shine brightly. Daffodils can help release feelings of self-doubt or shame for those who feel burdened by insecurities or feel misunderstood by others.

    Daffodils also encourage naturally sunny people to confidently confront their shadow side. This is important because if you don’t work through your issues and embrace them, they will continue to show up in your life when you least expect it. Much of our inner strength and resilience resides in the darker aspect of us.

    Daffodils harmonise our emotions when we are balanced; we are open to being more authentically open to others as well as ourselves. It is believed this is because Daffodil energy can amplify and clarify the inner voice of the God/Goddess/Divinity, as well our Higher Self and Spirit Guides.

    Dewdrop Faery Empowerment £15

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    The Dewdrop Faery will infuse your energy field with fresh, revitalising energy. She will gently help you to detoxify your system of negative energy blockages that cause mental and emotional and physical stresses and strains. Her cleansing and grounding nature will also help you absorb renewing Earth energy which will strengthen your base/root chakra that governs your foundation in life, your sense of safety and security, and your presence in the world. We may feel as if we have lost our footing; we lose faith in our self and our ability to follow our Soul Path. At soul level we are shining beings of pure light nothing can affect us. However, once we incarnate into our physical body our aura quickly becomes clogged up with negative energy, toxins and other impurities, causing imbalances, intolerances, allergies and other illnesses.

    Our inner light also begins to dim too as we navigate our way through childhood traumas, relationships, workplace conflicts, the rules, regulations and restrictions imposed on us by society and we slowly forget who we really are and the spiritual abilities we were born with. We are here to remember, to bring through all of the experiences and lessons we have learned through our numerous lifetimes to light our way and also that of others. The Dewdrop Faery can help you regain your sense of wonderment, encouraging you to look at the world in a new way. She brings you the gifts of love, hope, loyalty, serenity and joy. She gifts you the return of innocence, of looking at the world through a child’s eyes with wonderment, yet tempered by your years of wisdom and experience. We must never confuse childish with childlike. Faeries are an integral part of nature, of our history and that of our ancestors too. Faeries easily help you to rediscover your true self and to do this joyfully.


    Elven Star Connection Empowerment £10
    Founder: Raine Hilton 


    Anyone can work with the Elven Star Symbol, also known as the Seven pointed star, Septagram, Heptagram, and Fairy Star. Many are aware of its multitude of symbolic meanings, but few are going deeper and seeing how it can be used as a powerful connection to Fey and also as a healing and guidance system. This system takes you on a powerful journey beneath the surface of the symbol sharing with you its gifts.

    • Learn how its powerful symbolisms relate to many aspects of ourselves, our world and the universe.
    • Learn two techniques for drawing the Elven Star and how it can be used for healing yourself and others, and for protecting yourself, sacred space and home.
    • Learn a beautiful pathway meditation to guide and help you manifest the desires of your soul path into the physical.
    • Learn how to make Faery Connection Elixir


    Enchanted Faery Forest Empowerment £15

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    This beautiful energy system will open up your perceptions to any Faeries residing where you live. As you walk through nature, your energy signature will be more easily able to reach out to those who dwell in the Fey Realm.  As their realm overlaps ours, we are never far away from them. Naturally, they prefer to align their energies with places that are left to run wild and be natural. However, Faeries are nothing if not adaptable, and will always go out of their way to help especially to those who love and respect them and wish to work with them.

    The next time you are walking through your local park or woodland area you may be fortunate enough to sense them come close to you, perhaps, show themselves, or share their wisdom with you. You may discover a gift from them, a pebble or an unusual feather, Perhaps it will be the beautiful song of a bird, or a butterfly which will fly around you. Faeries, Nature Spirits, Devas and Dryads are present in each flower and tree, even every blade of grass. In essence, they are all off nature. They are present in the stream flowing by you and the pond you sit beside, even the very rocks at your feet.

    All of nature is alive and vibrating with powerful energy that we can interact with. Their energy can help us to release negative energy, to ground our emotions, heal our imbalances, inspire our thoughts, motivate and guide us towards the next step of our journey.


    Etheric Faery Spirit Wishing Stone £15

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    A Faery Spirit Wishing Stone has a single perfectly unbroken stripe all the way around the circumference of the rock. We are fortunate enough to live by the sea where we can easily find many of these stones. But for those who cannot easily find them with the help of the Faery I have channelled this simple attunement system so that you will have access to Etheric ones that you can work with.

    For those of you who already have wishing stones or can easily access physical ones for yourself I will share a few ideas on how to empower and work with them.

    Legend has it that if you find a rock with a white line all around it, you have found a Wishing Stone. If you trace your finger around the line while closing your eyes and making a wish, turn around three times and then throw the stone into the sea as far as you can or give it to another person, your wish will come true.

    Learn 4 different ways to work with Faery Queen Morgan Le Fey this energy.


    Etheric Faery Stone Empowerment £15

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Faery Stones have been used for protection, charms, and other forms of magick for generations. They were often hung on keys, doorways, over beds, or around the neck of a person or their animals to protect them from negativity and the influences of evil spirits. They can be used to open up a window to other realms. Ritually they can be used in weather magick for breaking up stormy weather.

    The Element of water powerfully forms and at the same time protects the Faery Stone from adverse energies and enchantments. This makes it an ideal amulet to wear or work with. For those of you who are unable to find a Faery Stone you can simply work with this etheric version instead.

    You will go on a guided meditation to the Faery realms as part of your attunement procedure and will be gifted an etheric Faery stone that you can work with during your meditations, rituals or spiritual work. You will be working with Faery Queen Morgan Ley Fey. Morgana is also known as the Faery of the Sea. With an open heart and mind and with her blessing you will be able to use your etheric Faery Stone in your spiritual work


    Evergreen Renewal Empowerment £15
    Founder: Philip Hilton


    In the distant past evergreens were cut and brought indoors to symbolise life, rebirth and renewal at Yule. They were thought to have power over death because their green never faded, and they were used to defeat winter demons and hold back death and destruction. Because of their strength and tenacity, they were also believed to encourage the Sun’s return.

    This energy taps into those notes on the energetic scale which encourage rebirth, renewal, tenacity and longevity. This is an empowerment that offers real staying power in a very ethereal, yet quite literal sense.

    We all experience defeat from time to time. Life operates in a cyclic nature and this is why we face ups and downs. We all know that in most instances we only have to hold on a little in order to see better changes come our way. However, hanging in there can be really tough and that’s where this energy comes in


    Faery Crystal Elixir Attunement £25
    Founder: Raine Hilton


    This beautiful healing system combines crystal healing with Faery energies. You will be attuned to 17 crystalline energies which resonate powerfully with the Realm of Faery. This attunement also includes a separate 20 page crystal properties guide to help you get the most out of working with these crystalline Faery energies.You will be taught:

    • Which individual Faery races relate to the elements and how they resonate with specific crystals to bring healing, balance and harmony into all aspects of your life, health and wellbeing.
    • How to cast a Faery Elemental Circle for protection and working.
    • How to make a unique Faery Crystal Communication Bridge between our Earth Realm and the Faery Realm
    • Various ways of working with this energy for meditation, chakra healing, balancing the masculine-feminine polarities, relationship healing, elemental birth sign healing
    • How to make Faery Crystal Elixirs using three methods; energetically, indirectly and directly.
    • How to strengthen your connection to Faery by creating Faery Connection Elixir
    • How to make a Faery Crystal Library
    • Gaia Crystal Healing


    Faery Herbal Elixir Attunement £25
    Founder: Raine Hilton


    This beautiful healing system combines herbal healing with Faery energies. You will be attuned to the protective visionary herb, Mugwort, as well as 7 herbs specifically chosen to resonate with each of your major chakras. This is followed by another 9 herbs which will form your Faery Herbal Health Care Kit. These are then all sealed into your aura using the energies of Peace Lily.

    You will be taught:

    • Which individual Faery races relate to the elements and how they resonate with us
    • How to attract Fey into your garden or home
    • Exclusive photos of Dryad and Faeries using nature to show themselves
    • Photo and description of each herb you will be working with
    • Faery Herbal for the Chakras
    • Faery Herbal Aura Seal
    • Faery Herbal Health Care Kit
    • How to cast a Faery Elemental Circle for protection and working
    • Various ways of working with this energy for meditation, chakra healing, balancing the masculine-feminine polarities, relationship healing, elemental birth sign healing
    • How to self heal and use these energies with others
    • How to make Faery Herbal Elixirs
    • How to create Faery Connection Elixir

    Faery Guide Blessing

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Some people are aware of their Faery Guide while others consciously choose particular ones to work with that they feel drawn to by studying books about them or through meditation or journeying.

    A Faery Guide is not something every child is naturally assigned at birth. Although we are all assigned a Spiritual Guide at birth, some may receive a Guide who is a member of their soul group, a family member who has passed over, or one of Starseed origin for example. It all depends on what resonates with that particular person and what they have planned for this incarnation.  But as we grow older if we decide to dedicate ourselves to a Faery path we can petition the Faery Godmother to assign a Faery Guide to us, no matter how old we are.

    This energy serves to align the child or adult to the energetic signature not only of the Faery Godmother in question but also their individual Faery Guide. You may choose to work with this energy to ask for a guide for yourself, or on behalf of a child.

    When a child is selected for this service, it is not a random or well meaning act on the part of the adults in question, but a very real pull on behalf of that child towards their Faery Guide. There are no coincidences, merely strands vibrating on the web of life. In essence every child is potentially Faery blessed, yet not every child touches Fey. The modern world is filled with a multitude of distractions. The purpose then of this attunement energy is to ensure a strong connection and by doing so build a doorway between the worlds.

    This system contains:

    • A unique Faery channelled communication
    • My experiences of working with Faery Guides
    • Learn about the role of the Faery Godmother
    • Rituals to connect you with the Faery Godmother (for child & adult)
    • Guided meditation journey to meet your Faery Guide


    Faery Birthday Blessing £25

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Your magical birth: When, where and how we are born it is far more than just the result of a planned or unplanned pregnancy. For this to happen takes much designing in the spiritual realms; karmic goals and contracts to be agreed, soul meetings at key stages of your lifetime to be decided upon, elemental and planetary calculations worked out, to just name a few to provide the perfect conditions for your next incarnation. It is very like selecting the ideal ingredients needed to bake the perfect cake.

    What does it mean to be born on this particular day?

    Many of us avidly follow our horoscopes in the papers and magazines, while others have a professional astrological chart drawn up for more in depth guidance for their next trip around the sun.

    However, there are so many other elements within this world which also resonate with this magical time, such as; crystals, flowers, trees and even animals. Each of these are energetically dedicated to that specific month we were born. As we bring these elements together and allow them to create a harmonious resonance within us, the more empowered, focused and intune we will become as we walk our path. It is these very elements which we will learn about and work with during this system.

    This blessing can be a beautiful gift to yourself or for someone you love to celebrate a birthday, but it is also something which you and they can continue to work with every day of the year.

    This blessing is designed to work with the Faery Guide Blessing but may also be used alone.

    You will learn about:
    • Birth month trees
    • Birth month flowers
    • Birth month crystals
    • Birth month animals & creatures
    • Creating a harmonic resonance
    • Guided meditation to connect with your birth month elements
    • Blessing friends & family

    Faery Portal To The Sidhe £25
    Founder: Philip Hilton

    This particular portal was created as a safe and protected way to meet the Faery race known as The Sidhe and to allow you to forge friendships.

    In this manual I will act as your guide and explain how this can be done easily and safely.

    You will learn what the portal is and how to use it.

    You will be given a ritual to make contact and establish a working bridge to their realm.

    You will be given new information on these elusive entities.

    You will be given access, through this energy stream to beings who few ever come into contact with.

    A brand new channelled communication directly from The Sidhe themselves.

    And you will receive some background and history of this shy and noble race.


    Faery Queen Morgan Le Fey Wand Healing System £20
    Founder: Raine & Philip Hilton

    This is a beautiful empowerment channelled by Raine & Philip Hilton to aid in your connection and work with Faery Queen Morgan Le Fey. This attunement is not only an energetic connection to Morgana, but within the pages of this manual she reveals her own method of Faery wand healing. This is the first time this information has ever been revealed. To say we are both excited about this attunement is an understatement. It is something which we know will become commonplace within Faery healing practitioner circles within a short time. This is the Faery healing system brought to us by no less than a High Queen of Faery. This honours The Bright Ones and offers us all a very real hope of a connection to The Fey. 

    Within the pages of this manual you will find the following:

    • A brand new channelled communication from Morgana (Morgan Le Fey)
    • A complete healing system utilising the wand. Includes  wand introduction, wand washing, wand sealing and using The Elven Star.
    • Elemental wand balancing
    • The anatomy of a wand
    • Original encounters with The Fey
    • Raine & Philip Hiltons encounters with The Faery.

    Flower Faery Deva Initiation £25

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Flower Faeries are also known as Devas or Plant Spirits. They are tiny winged spirits, which care for each and every flower and plant on Earth. Faeries generally compare in size to a small human, although they are skilled shape-shifters who can take any form and any size at will. They often use the form of the plant they are caring for to use as their guise if they wish to manifest in the physical world.

    Every flower is cared for by its own Faery. A field of wildflowers or a lush, flower-packed backyard contains a universe of Faery Spirits. Flower Faeries natures reflect the type of flowers with which they are associated. With the use of this energy system you can tune into the character of each flower you are drawn to for use for healing, wisdom, guidance or ritual work, with the Flower Faery Deva acting as the Medium for the energy connection. This will allow you to gain deeper insights into others you are healing or reading for as well as connecting with loved ones who have passed over into spirit.

    The Flower Faery Devas will imbue your auric field with the energy of the flowers you are most in need of and will share their unique insights with those who have an open heart and mind.

    Within this manual you will learn about:

    • The role of the Flower Faery Deva
    • Flower Faery gardens
    • Seeing Flower Faeries
    • How to Give a Flower Reading (known as Flowermancy or Flower Psychometry)
    • Flower messages from Spiri


    Forget-Me-Not Blessings £15

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    This beautiful gentle energy strengthens the eternal bond between friends, lovers and relatives. We will be working with the Forget-Me-Not Flower Deva in meditation, with the Flower Faery acting as the medium for the energy connection to help you to converse with your loved ones. Forget-Me-Nots symbolise love, trust, fidelity and remembrance, they are not only associated with those still with us, but also for those who have passed onto the other side. You will learn how to use this energy alongside additional techniques to make contact with Spirit.

    When a special connection forms between two people at soul level it is something to be cherished and nurtured. This bond is eternal and can never be broken. Use this energy to improve your connection with your loved ones to deepen and bring out the best in your relationships. If you struggle to open up with your loved ones, this energy will help you to do so. If you wish they were a little more receptive to you this energy will provide them with the opportunity to do so.

    This energy will never work against another’s free will and free choice. It simply connects with their higher self aspect and asks to be invited into their heart space. If this invitation is accepted then the energy flow will be returned forming a pure heart connection between you. When we converse with one another at a higher level than we usually would, we can cut through all of the day-to-day irritations which usually cause disagreements.

    Soul level interactions allow us to have conversations which truly matter with a greater level of intimacy.  When this happens we feel safe and secure enough with them to be emotionally available and transparent with them. Any issues in need of working on can be done so without recriminations or judgment because we see our soul light reflected back at us in the other person.

    Jack Frost Protection Attunement £10

    Founder: Philip Hilton

    This energy calls on the protective assistance of a nature entity known to many from childhood as an annoying fairy tale villain. In fact Jack Frost is nothing of the kind, he is in fact a Fey nature spirit, he is however, a powerful ally to have and can be very protective of those who seek him out. By becoming attuned to him, you also appear on his energetic wavelength and the ability to call on him becomes available to you.

    Having a protector during this time of year can be very fortuitous because of the way the elements are changed in nature’s forge. There hangs a certain harshness in wintertime which cannot be found in any of the others seasons.

    Jack Frost is a personification of frost, ice, snow, sleet, winter, and freezing cold. He is a variant of Old Man Winter who is held responsible for frosty weather, nipping the fingers and toes in such weather, colouring the foliage in autumn, and leaving fern-like patterns on cold windows in winter.


    Magickal Yule Essence Energy £25
    Founder: Raine Hilton


    Each Yuletide we search our local woods or purchase from a market to bring into our home three special plants that are symbolically linked to this special time of year. Many people do this almost without thinking, seeing it as nothing more than a part of preparing their usual seasonal décor. However, these plants carry special magical gifts for you to tap into and use in a conscious magical way.

    When we blend our energy with the Faery Deva Oversouls of these three plants and choose to use them in a sacred way we are doing the same as our ancestors did many years before us, recreating time honoured seasonal rituals to bring protection, harmony, love, fertility, happiness, balance, success, abundance and good luck for the coming year for ourselves and our family.

    The three plants we will be connecting and working with in their energetic essence are: holly, ivy and mistletoe. You do not have to have any previous magical experience to work with this energy system. Even just using these sacred plants to decorate your home with a heartfelt intention will help to weave their magickal properties into your life, health and wellbeing.

    By working with the Etheric essence of these plants we connect to the Plant Devas who will enhance our magical connection to Yule as they did with our ancestors as they followed the Old Ways.

    Learn about: the magical properties of Holly, Ivy and Mistletoe – Working with this energy – Yuletide – Oak King & Holly King – Traditions of Yule – Yule Recipes & Charms – Yule Guided Meditation


    Mighty Oak Inner Power Energy £15
    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Connecting to the energy and the Dryad of the Mighty Oak Tree fills you with strength, stability, protection and abundance.  It is a deeply grounding energy system to work with that brings your mental, emotional and physical bodies fully into alignment. The energy system is perfect for those who generally work with the higher vibrational energies which can leave you feeling ungrounded, disorientated and distanced from the physical world.
    In Greek mythology the legends of gods, goddesses and the Fey have become teaching lessons for us to work with in order to enrich our personal and collective spiritual journeys. The Dryads are powerful goddesses of nature that were highly respected in ancient Greece. The forests were sacred places of worship for connection and communication with these honoured beings. These nature goddesses still reside within the trees of the forest, and their power and wisdom are always available for us to connect with at any time. How often does a walk in nature leave you feeling uplifted, and inspired?
    Unconsciously we are reaching out to blend our energy field with theirs as we stand before these mighty trees, sometimes hugging them or sitting and meditating beneath their protective branches.  By working with the Oak Dryad within this energy system we can deepen our connection and gain a multitude of health and wellbeing benefits. Learn about Oak symbolism and enjoy a beautiful guided meditation with the Oak Dryad.

    Morgan Le Fey Charm Casting Empowerment  £20

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Morgan Le Fey has been such a powerful influence in my life and through her spiritual teachings I have learned many wonderful healing and magickal techniques. This energy system will assist you in learning the art of Making and Unmaking Charm Casting. It is quick and easy to work and has a multitude of uses. By aligning yourself with Morgan le Feys energy signature to empower your charm you can bring so many positive changes into your life. A simple rhyming charm repeated 9 times builds the power of your intention and once the energy is released from the cone of power it can be used to attract or repel energy. You could choose to attract wealth and abundance (A Charm of Making, or to repel psychic attacks or unwanted attention (A Charm of Unmaking).

    The ancient and universal practice of chanting is a repetition of sacred or magical words, names, phrases and spells to alter consciousness and raise psychic power. It can be done in conjunction with drumming, the ringing of bells, visualisation and dancing, in our case using a spell counter. It is done to align the human consciousness with the realms of spirits, and to intensify magic, meditation and healing.

    Learn about:

    • The power of chanting
    • Morgan le Fey brief history and channelled communication
    • Working with this energy
    • 5 unique charms of making
    • 5 unique charms of unmaking
    • Instructions to make your own charm counter

    Plant Deva Energy Boost £25

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Faeries that are responsible for the welfare and nurturing of plants are known as Devas or Plant Spirits. They are tiny winged spirits, which care for each and every flower and plant on Earth. We can tune into the character of each plant to use for healing or ritual work, with the Plant Deva acting as the Medium for the energy connection. In our case we will be working with a select few Plant Deva energies that will help to boost your mental and emotional wellbeing. Plant Devas can also greatly improve the quality of the energy in your home.

    When we connect to the energies of the plants we care for, we may find ourselves suddenly thinking about watering them, re-potting them, moving them out of the sun, or feeding them. These little messages come from the Plant Devas. They can only do so much to help the plant when it is not growing in its natural environment; the rest is down to us. Those gardeners which are known for having “green fingers” communicate with the Plant Devas naturally, many unaware they are doing so. We can actively improve our connection with Plant Devas by providing them with a harmonious area to live.

    You will be attuned to and receive a message from each of these Plant Devas: Peace Lilly, Cactus, Bamboo, Chinese Money Plant, Morning Glory, Eucalyptus, Aloe Vera, Jasmine and Lavender


    Rainbow Lotus Deva Chakra Energy £15

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    The Lotus flower is regarded in as a symbol of purity, perfection, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. All of these qualities are relevant to our lives which is why the Lotus has become such a powerful spiritual symbol. The flower also blooms in the most unlikely of places such as the muddy river water in Australia or Southern Asia. Not only does it find sanctuary in the dirt, but due to the waxy protection layer on its petals, its beauty is unaffected when it re-blooms each morning. It continues to resurrect itself, coming back just as beautiful as it was last seen.

    This is a beautiful metaphor for us because even though our auric field becomes sullied by negative energies from our self limiting and destructive thoughts, emotions and actions, and in our interactions with others, our soul remains untainted, perfect in every way. No matter what we have experienced there is always the opportunity to begin again, we only need to have faith in ourselves.

    This energy helps us to see the best in ourselves and to want the best for our body. As with anything else, energy healing only plays one part in the healing process. A revision of current lifestyle; diet, exercise, habits, mental and emotional health and wellbeing, self belief and love and gratitude all have their part to play to ensure the smooth running of our body.


    Sea Goddess Cliodna 9th Wave Initiation £20
    Founder: Raine & Philip Hilton


    This attunement provides a powerful connection and working healing system connecting you to the most powerful Goddess of the Sea  Cliodna. Though little spoken of is the mighty lady of The Ninth Wave. The sheer majesty of this being is nothing short of breathtaking. We believe this could be the most powerful  attunement to Sea magic so far available. If you have a serious interest in sea-based magic, healing or ritual, this attunement will become an important part of your future working. Within this manual you will find the following unique connections to this Celtic Goddess.This is a beautiful empowerment channelled by Raine & Philip Hilton to aid in your connection and work with Sea Goddess Cliodna. 
    • An original channelled communication from Cliodna
    • A unique Ritual to enable you to connect with Cliodna
    • Different methods on connection
    • 3 never before revealed Keywords which will enable you to unlock the power of the Sea Kingdom for healing and ritual
    • A completely different method for working healing or magic using 9th Wave Mandelas for synchronising your own working to the ebb and flow of the rising and falling sea tides
    • Revealed: the personal initiations of Raine and Philip Hilton, who were both initiated by Cliodna during a 9th Wave Ritual on a Yorkshire beach during the winter of 2014

    Shinrin-yoku Rejuvenation Energy £15

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Shinrin-yoku emerged in Japan in the 1980s as a physiological and psychological exercise which translates as “forest bathing” or “taking in the forest atmosphere”. The purpose was twofold: to offer an eco-antidote to mental and emotional burnout especially for those who worked in high pressure careers in the city, and to inspire individuals to reconnect with and protect the country’s forests.

    Forest bathing positively creates calming neuro-psychological effects through changes in the nervous system, reducing the stress hormone cortisol and boosting the immune system. Another beautiful thing about forest bathing is that it also attunes you to the energy of the land, making it easier to connect to and work with nature spirits which is at the heart of this beautiful energy system.

    We will also be working with the Green Man. The Green Man symbolises the cycle of life, death and re-birth. The symbol of Godhood within the male and its relationship with the transcendent life force our Goddess, the female expression of divinity. The Green Man has many wonderful gifts to share with you and can expand your awareness beyond that which is normally seen by others.

    Each type of tree has its own Oversoul Dryad. As you open up to the energy of the land your perceptions heighten and alter in such a way that you may see, hear or sense Fey around you.  Working with this energy in conjunction with a few simple techniques outlined in the manual will soon have you feel calm, relaxed, open and aware to the real beauty and energy of nature.

    Snowberry Deva Ancestral Healing Attunement £15
    Founder: Raine Hilton

    The Snowberry Deva is a master healer, purifier and transformer of the soul and can be called upon for ancestral work and healing, as well as soul retrieval. She helps us to get to the core of issues that have been long lost, forgotten, fragmented, or dissociated from. The roots of these are to be found in the depths of the subconscious mind, where they block our next breakthrough and our path to enlightenment.

    Snowberry energy is wonderful for spiritual seekers who are dedicated to their quest for wholeness. It brings courage to excavate the roots of hidden problems and supports you as you steadfastly face and release them. She bestows spiritual inspiration, guidance, and direction for healing and wholeness helping to resolve problems, conflicts, or chronic issues that remained indecipherable.

    Devas exist throughout all of nature as the architects of life. They are the unseen, other side of nature, responsible for keeping everything alive. By becoming more aware of the role that the devas play in our everyday lives, we not only heal on a physical level but also may discover that the strongest medicine lies in the ability to help us heal our hearts, our minds, and our spirits

    To understand who we are, we must know where and who we come from. Ancestral healing is the process of revealing and releasing inherited wounds and traumas that have been passed down by our ancestors. Anyone researching their heritage will uncover both positive and negative issues that pass through the bloodlines from one generation to the next. Once we understand the effects our family has had on our wellbeing, we can find ways to heal their influences and celebrate their legacy.


    Snowflake Inner Reflection Attunement With Faery Snow Queen Holda £15

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    As we all know, Snowflakes are unique, no two are ever formed the same way. The same can be said for each of us. How often do you feel swallowed up in a crowd as if you are invisible? How often are you pressured to confirm to agreed stereotypes so that you fit in with everyone else while your deepest needs go unmet?

    From childhood we are conditioned to wear what our friends wear, programmed to play the same games, enticed to eat the same food and be interested in the same television and music personalities. Media hype and commercialism fuels this peer pressure propaganda until we feel we would be ostracised for not following the herd. In doing so we lose our sense of self identity and our unique voice. Perhaps you have struggled with unleashing your unique sense of creativity because of being restricted in this way.

    We know we are all part of one living consciousness and yes, this is true, but we are also on this earth to discover and express every facet of human experience open to us. If everyone conformed to the standard model new discoveries would never be made, boundaries would never be pushed, and glass ceilings would never be shattered.

    Our Soul Path is unique like the Snowflake, we each incarnate at different stages of our soul development, with our own set of memories, experiences and karma to work through. We have different challenges and goals so although we can share our experiences with others, ultimately their own experiences will be different and that is good and as it should be.

    Working with Faery Snow Queen Holda, this energy will help you:

    • To make a deep and loving commitment to be true to yourself,
    • To listen to your soul and to allow it self-expression in a way that is best for you.
    • To stand still and pause for a while to catch your breath in a world that seems to be permanently on fast forward

    Sunflower Solar Plexus Revitalisation £15

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    Whenever we experience fear, anxiety or worry, or suffer a shock of some kind we feel it in our solar plexus. This is often described as feeling as if we have been “kicked in the stomach”. This can affect your digestion causing stomach and digestion issues. It can also symbolise holding onto things that are too much for you to stomach. Blockages in the third chakra are often experienced through digestive issues like ulcers, heartburn, eating disorders, and indigestion. It’s the chakra of our personal power. This means it’s related to our self-esteem and self-confidence.

    The solar plexus is the seat of joy and generosity. Just like the sun, so magnanimous and powerful, it shines and radiates. With a balanced solar plexus chakra you also bring warmth and happiness all around. You feel so generous and giving and want to contribute and help others. The shadow of the solar plexus chakra is shame. Shame typically stems from our teen years, when we build our identity. As we explore and express who we are, the world around us provides positive feedback for the things we do well and subtly discourages us from pursuing our weaknesses.

    Working with the Sunflower Deva will help you to attain steadfast loyalty and everlasting faith. She epitomises the very nature of optimism and happiness. The shape and the colour of the sunflower heads are symbolic of the sun. This flower Deva represents happiness, radiance and all things that are positive. In this way, sunflowers are perfect for happy occasions.  Rural practitioners of folk magic are known to have used an sunflower ointment that would help them see the Faerie folk. Sunflowers can be used for: Luck, Protection, Confidence, Sun magick, Fertility, Wishes, Faery magick, Joy, Courage, Friendship, Prosperity, Happiness.

    Temple Tree Flower Light Codes System £15

    Founder: Raine Hilton

    This Flower Light Codes System calibrates the exact vibrational frequency of energy needed to bring your mental and emotional states into a natural healthy alignment. We do this by channelling the Oversoul of the twin energy streams of the pink and white Temple Tree Flower and by working with the 5 petals representing the five qualities necessary for psychological perfection.

    The Temple Tree flower is symbolic of the fragile human life out of which comes the fragrance of devotion that allows the soul to merge with the mysterious Essence of all life. The spiritual symbolism of India the Temple Tree flower has a special significance. The 5 petals are said to be represent five qualities necessary for psychological perfection: sincerity, faith, aspiration, devotion and surrender.

    Temple Tree Flower Spirit represents resilience, nurture, and beauty. While she is sweet, fragile, and generous, she is also self-healing, protecting, and regenerative. The sweetness of aroma reaches deeply into the amygdala, our brain’s processing centre, and fills it with tranquil, healing light. It works through our emotional scar tissue, restores our mental clarity and optimal brain functioning through examination and re-organisation of our memories, thoughts, and feelings about them.

    This allows us to restore our old memories in a way that is helpful to us, so we can rewrite the stories we tell ourselves around these memories from a perspective of a mature experienced adult. We feel a deep relief, and let go, even if just a little more with each breath.

    Twelve Healers & Birth Flower Light Codes System £20
    Founder: Raine Hilton


    Flower Light Codes System calibrates the exact dose of energy frequency you need to bring into alignment your natural birth trait. This is done by connecting to and channelling the oversoul of each of the “Twelve Healers” flower Deva essences and then activating your Birth Flower Light Code to run continuously in the background.

    This is a two part attunement system which will flow into you in one session. The first part will attune you to all Twelve Healer Flower Light Codes, this will bring you balance and harmony and will familiarise you with the energies of each flower essence. This is also done so afterwards you can channel these energies for healing a client or attuning a student.

    The second part of your session will bring in a stronger dose of your Birth Flower Light Code, this will flow through you and will bring to your awareness any particular issues you have regarding your Inherent Trait you need to work on and will help you to heal it.

    The Twelve Healers of Dr Bach correspond to twelve types of personality. Each type has a quality to develop, and a negative emotional and mental tendency to overcome. He described the 12 types as the "twelve great lessons of life" and believed that each of us has to concentrate on one of these lessons in particular.

    We each have a natural inherent trait we have incarnated with which resonates with our particular birth sign. It is believed that each time we incarnate we align ourselves with a different astrological sign to reveal a particular trait we need to work on karmically.

    Channelling the etheric flower essences of the Bach Flower Remedies helps us to unlock the gifts that our particular inherent trait holds for us. We may look at these traits and see them as negative things to avoid at all costs but it is only when we dig beneath the surface that we can see that these are gifts and are helping us to learn more about ourselves. By doing this we aid our Soul’s growth and self expression.

    As a Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner I have worked with flower essences for many years. I have used them to heal and rebalance myself as well as my loved ones. We have all been amazed at how much they have helped us with our wellbeing issues.