Shamanic Readings-Philip Hilton - Well-being Consultant

Readings - Divination



I am a Tarot Master and can offer my clients over 25 years of experience in the field of divination.

I have worked physically (face to face) and at a distance (telephone lines,
internet) and have found both to be as effective and as powerful as each other.

As a psychic and intuitive I am able to tune into a client’s energy and also the spiritual realms and so can offer far more than simply a run-of-the-mill reading.

I offer true divination, using methods which have been tried and tested down the years. 

The Cards both Tarot and Oracle plus the Runes, Sticks & other oracular devices are themed to different spiritual areas. At this time I offer the following.

I can offer a wide range of divination tools, depending on your needs, wishes and interests.


Tarot cards, are by far still the most popular divination tool and offer uncanny and accurate readings, whether for general readings or for specific questions

Your reading will work perfectly for any specific question you might have or as a general reading to give you an idea of how things are around any given subject or circumstance happening in your life right now.

This type of reading is perfect for any of the following questions or question areas:

  • Relationships questions
  • Financial questions
  • Spiritual path questions
  • What is blocking or holding me back?
  • What is preventing me from success?

Things not to ask

Don’t ask more than one question because it confuses things, and the outcome is muddy and indistinct.

Don’t ask questions with a simple yes or no response because this will stop you from getting more interesting and in-depth answers.

Things to ask

Open-ended questions allow for flexibility in the answers.

Questions about situations rather than about specific people.

A reading, like all forms of divination, can act as a guide to the way things can develop and work out so long as things continue as they are. A reading offers insights into situations, however, should you change paths or make new and different decisions, you will almost certainly affect or even change the outcome completely.

Therefore look at a Tarot reading as that which can and almost certainly will happen should things carry on in the same way they have been.

Remember, the insights are for you to discern in relation to your question and your own life experiences.

The price for a basic reading is £29 and £49 for an in-depth reading. The choice of method is yours. To book a reading email me now

Oracle Cards

Oracle cards. These are not unlike the Tarot, but offer a more simplistic approach. However the readings they are able to convey are no less accurate. These are a very user-friendly type of divination and are often favoured by those who feel Tarot is too archaic or perhaps Pagan in its use of symbolism.

The price for a reading is £29 for a basic reading and £49 for an in-depth reading. The choice of method is yours. To book a reading email me now




The Runes with their  stark symbols can strike a very strong atmosphere and will often pinpoint with laser accuracy certain points which need to be addressed. I offer traditional Nordic Runes.

The price for a reading is £29 for a basic reading and £49 for an in-depth reading. The choice of method is yours. To book a reading email me now


Witches Runes

These are an oracle consisting of thirteen staves or stones. This is a very accurate divinatrion tool and it's becoming more popular all the time.

The price for a reading is
£29 for a basic reading and £49 for an in-depth reading. The choice of method is yours. To book a reading email me now


Ogham Sticks

Ogham Sticks. The Ogham which is often referred to as ‘The tree Alphabet’ is a divination system based on the energy and wisdom of trees.  This is a very subtle method and draws on a Celtic lineage steeped in hundreds of years of history.

The price for a reading is £29 for a basic reading and £49 for an in-depth reading. The choice of method is yours. To book a reading email me now


The Wheel Of The Year Reading

This is far more than a standard card reading. During this unique divinatory experience I take you on a journey through the next twelve months of your life. It is akin to having an astrological horoscope drawn up, in that it can show you the highs and lows ahead, providing things remain as they are at present and move along the same track of course. 

Cards do not tell fortunes, but instead give indications, signposts, if you like. They allow you to see possible outcomes and as the saying goes, forewarned is to be forearmed.  
This is a very in-depth reading and also a very popular one.

The price of this unique reading is £59 To book a reading email me now