Philip Hilton - Well-being Consultant
Psychic Protection Systems

- One in-depth guide to the system
- One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls!
- You will receive all attunements sent by Chi Ball or 'real time' appointment
- One emailed certificate
- Your lineage
When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments listed below please email me for a PayPal invoice
Frankincense Aura Cleanse & Protection Energy £7.99 Special
Founder: Raine Hilton
Working with the energy of Frankincense is a wonderful way to cleanse yourself as well as your environment. If your mind if feeling chaotic or cluttered, or you feel as if you are being negatively influenced by the energy of others this powerful energy quickly clears it away and begins to strengthen your auric field.
Frankincense is one of the oldest documented magical resins; it’s been traded in northern Africa and parts of the Arab world for nearly five thousand years. Always a popular choice for healing remedies, ceremonies and rituals for thousands of years by the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, and Israelites and regularly used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.
Frankincense is also a beautiful energy for those in need of emotional release. If you are carrying a heavy burden, this energy can help you to let it go. It encourages independence, tolerance for adversity, and freedom of expression and clarity.
Founders: Raine & Philip Hilton
- To connect you more clearly to the Archangels
- To aid in channelling
- To enhance meditation
- To invoke any of the individual Archangel’s healing powers or energies.
- To assist you with seeing the truth in a situation and helping you to seek guidance and justice for the highest good of all concerned
- Protection from fear or psychic attack
- Healing from Archangel Raphael
- To protect you on a journey
- To assist in personal or space clearing or cleansing
- To create a protective circle for working magically or spiritually
- Acts as a filter system for other attunements systems you may wish to call in or work with by cleaning up the lineage and removing any negative energy that they may have picked up on their way to you.
- To sever cords/attachments after working magically or when healing others and also removing energetic traces of you.
* This is
This 19 page manual will teach you about:
- How meditation affects the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects of us.
- What are Sigils and how they can help us?
- How to repel the effects of negative energy attacks and psychic vampirism
Angelite healing and spiritual properties- Instructions on how to make program and work with your own Angel Sigil stones
- Angelic communication; how to recognise and work with their energy
- Unique channelled communication from Archangel Michael
- Evocation of the Archangels for protection
- Unique channelled ritual communication from Archangel Michael
- Attunement procedure, after care, channelling and working with this energy
Founder: Raine Hilton
The eyes are the windows of the soul, and therefore can transmit tremendous energy. When we look at others with hate, or with envy, we are sending negative energy their way, and vice versa. The Red String protects us from conscious and unconscious stares. It is worn on the left wrist, left representing the desire to receive, therefore creating a protective shield that fends off negative energy.
For this Angels of Kabbalah: Etheric Red String attunement I have channelled the energy needed to form an etheric version of a protective Red String for you. You can use the red string system purely energetically or you can choose a piece of red string and empower it with this energy. Once made and empowered, and placed within your energy field, it will provide you with a form of ongoing protection against negativity.
Founder: Raine Hilton
- Poor preparation: when proper cleansing, grounding and protection rituals
are not used during attunement process. The meditation space that either party is working in has notbeen cleansed and sanctified for its purpose. Ifsacred space is not created during the attunement procedure to contain, direct and protect the energy it can lead to the system becoming weakened or ineffective and open to negative energy. - The
Attuner or student is ill or experiencing intensely powerful negative emotions such as anger, resentment, fear, depression, stress or grief. These emotions will all become encoded within the energy stream that willbe passed on along with the system. - Outside influences such as “dark energy workers” (the opposite to light workers) or negative entities, that have hacked into the energy stream and left their own imprints and influences within it to destroy or distort the energy often leaving holes in the auric field or energy cords they can later use for access and to manipulate.
- Weak or nonexistent intent to send the energy. We see this often from those termed “energy Shopkeepers” who buy attunements in bulk and don’t even both calling in the system’s energies themselves before selling on the manuals
very cheaply and proclaiming the attunement has been “chi-balled” for the student but no information, guidance, feedback or experience of the sessionis shared with the student. - When a system has
been in existence for many years and has gained a long lineage.
Learn how to work with each of these elements as applicable to your situation. The Attunement Lineage System aims to do four things:
- Cleanse the affected attunement /empowerment/initiation system of all negative energy and interference
- Protect and strengthen any attunement /empowerment/initiation systems you
are currently attuned to - Lineage clean-up from the founder of the attunement/empowerment/initiation system down through each person, to you.
- Act as a filter you can use when calling in and working with any new attunement/empowerment/initiation systems
Black Cohosh Protection & Negativity Flush £10
This energy is ideal for when you have been around people who sap your energy and strength; you will easily recognise this type as when you leave their company you will
Black Cohosh also goes by the name “bugbane” because
Founder: Philip Hilton
The first thing we must realise is that business is simply a word, what we are really dealing with here is the concept of exchange. It is no different if your business is online or whether it is in a solid bricks and mortar environment. No matter what the business in question is, there has to be an exchange of energy. And it is within that relationship built around the energy interchange that success or failure is deeply rooted.
- How to provide a good solid energy foundation for your business
- How to take the creative path to business protection and prosperity
- The importance of kindness, honesty and ethical trading
Dysfunctional Family Cleanse & Protection £25
Founder: Raine Hilton
This can cause
We can experience dysfunctional acts that we may not
- Intimidate you; make you feel frightened for your life, unable to express how you feel without fear of reprisals.
- Shout at you, grab you, push you, or hit you.
- Psychologically blackmail or coerce you against your will
“Gaslight” you (Gaslighting" is used to describe mental and emotional abusive behaviour, specifically when an abuser manipulates information in such a way as to make a victim question his or her sanity. Gaslighting intentionally makes someone doubt their memories or perception of reality. - Constantly talking down to you and belittling you either, in private or in front of others
- Taking advantage of your good nature, time and resources, and making you feel guilty if you don’t comply with their wishes
- Making you doubt yourself and your abilities, preventing you from pursuing your plans and life goals.
- Comparing you
to others and complaining that you are not living up to their own expectations. - Constantly gossiping and running others down behind their back
- Seeing the negative side of everything in their life, living in the past and complaining how life isn’t the same as when they were young. Telling you there is no hope of things changing
in the future so it is pointless for you to even try. - Trying to live their life through you, insisting you fulfil their dreams for them.
- What exactly is a Dysfunctional Family?
- How does this affect you?
- The masks we wear
- Coping Skills
- How this system will help you
- Working with this energy
- Archangel Chamuel
Energy Signature Protection £15
Founder: Raine Hilton
Even from before we incarnate into our human body we each have our own unique energy signature. In the higher realms we are easily recognised by this and naturally draw others to us of a similar vibrational frequency. We do this to a certain degree too in our physical life. We know who we feel happy and comfortable around, as much as we know who makes us feel fearful, unhappy or exhausted.
Our general health and wellbeing, along with our lifestyle and moral choices colour our frequency to a certain degree too, but we cannot alter our soul energy frequency. As a therapist there are many times when I am called on to help those afflicted with attachments and ailments associated with negative beings from the dark side. There are many healers out there who do just the same as I, but sadly there are few who know how important it is to clean-up and protect their own energy signature and that of their clients after the situation has been dealt with. This goes one step further than just cutting cords with those you have been in contact with that day or after a nasty particular situation.
Removing an entity from another person and sending it to the light is not always the end of it. If all of the energy signatures are not removed at the time, other negative beings see this combination of frequencies as a beacon of light and can quickly and easily find their way back to your client and to you too. This is not the kind of work you want to bring back home with you!
Over time this can weaken your own energy field, damaging your health and wellbeing, and also cause you to be prone to regular negative attacks. This can then cause you to become a channel for the entities to work through and get to others. If you are someone who channels attunement energies then this can become encoded in your systems allowing them access to your students.
The system is empowered by Archangel Michael. He will be available to guide and assist you as you work with this system. If at any time you feel out of your depth and overwhelmed by the influences of the negative energy attack call on him to work through you. Energy Signature Protection is a simple system working in two powerful ways.
Firstly, the energy will cleanse away all traces of your energy field, that of your client and that of the entity from the vibrational space you are working in (either in person session or energetically).
Secondly, the protection part of the energy will surround yourself and your client to seal both of your auric fields and to keep you off the radar of that particular kind of entity. Negative entities often travel in groups so this will help to prevent them from returning to you.
Founder: Raine Hilton
There are the ones who insist on blaming everyone else but themselves when things go wrong.
Then there are the ones who guilt trip you into doing something that makes you feel uncomfortable, or you do not have the time or energy for.
Perhaps you have a friend you dread telling any good news to because they will be so jealous of you and insecure of themselves, and will insist on pointing out everything that
Then there are those who are always miserable and
We then have the ones who just have to be the centre of attention; the Drama Queens, who insist that whatever is going in their life is far more, interesting, important, exciting, worthwhile, tragic, upsetting, or frustrating than could ever possibly be happening to you. As soon as you mention one thing going in your
Whatever form your personal Energy Vampire takes, they
- Do you feel that you can wholeheartedly trust that person with your dreams, fears, secrets, or your heart?
- When you are with them do you feel valued, loved, balanced, and supported?
- Now think about how you feel when you are with them. Would you describe the quality of energy exchange as equal exchange or one-sided?
- When you are with them do you feel that you can relax and truly be yourself without fear of being judged, mocked, or ridiculed?
- When you leave the company of the person do you feel happy, upbeat and inspired or instead do you feel drained, exhausted, upset, fearful, depressed, anxious or angry?
The Energy Vampire Removal & Protection System aims to do five things:
- Cleanse your whole system of negative energy and interference
- Remove any hooks or energy cords attaching you to your Energy Vampire
- Repair any damage done through these negative energy attacks and strengthen your auric field
- Provide a shield of protection to deflect any further attacks
- Promote a soul to soul conversation with your Energy Vampire, assisting them in reconnecting to their own Divine Energy Source.
Exorcism and Negative Entity Banishment Attunement £25
Founder: Philip Hilton
Do not be disturbed if the focus of much of this working attunement seems centred in Catholic methodology and doctrine, there is a very valid reason for this.
I use this kind of exorcism for the simple reason that it works. You may use a dozen different methods and techniques when working to eradicate negative entities and you may have moderate success, however, you will only be dealing with the minor lower level creatures.
When it comes to genuine evil and yes I do use that term, there is only one method which I myself know which works and that is the methods employed by the Catholic Church.
Learn about: Exorcism and Blessing of Salt - Exorcism and Blessing of Water - Exorcism of Holy Oil - Binding Prayer - Breaking Generational Curses - Sealing Prayer of Protection
Founder: Philip Hilton
Having a protector during this time of year can be very fortuitous because of the way the elements are changed in nature’s forge. There hangs a certain harshness in wintertime which cannot be found in any of the others seasons.
Jack Frost is a personification of frost, ice, snow, sleet, winter, and freezing cold. He is a variant of Old Man Winter who is held responsible for frosty weather, nipping the fingers and toes in such weather, colouring the foliage in autumn, and leaving fern-like patterns on cold windows in winter.
Founder: Raine Hilton
Mugwort has a powerful clearing effect on the mind, opening the 3rd eye, and helping to fine tune our psychic senses. This sacred herb assists you in reaching the right altered state of mind for deep trance meditation, shamanic journeying or scrying. Mugwort acts as a gateway herb opening the doors of our perception. It allows us to shift into a new way of perceiving our world through the lens of a higher vibrational frequency. This allows us to connect to and communicate more easily and safely with the Fey Realms, and to enter different places while shamanic journeying, to induce prophetic dreams or lucid dreaming and astral projection. Mugwort is also a powerful aid to divination. We will
The Magical Mugwort Protection System aims to assist you in achieving
- Cleanse your auric field of negative energy and interference
- Cleanse your chosen
working area or home - Provide an orb of protection for meditation, lucid dreaming, astral travel and shamanic journeying
- Enhance your natural intuitive spiritual abilities for scrying/divination
Also included is information on how to make/work with:
Smudge Sticks, Mugwort Tea, Mugwort Dream Pillows, Mugwort Infusions & Washes, Mugwort for Scrying, Mugwort Besoms and Brooms, Mugwort Amulets, Mugwort Oil.
Founder: Raine Hilton
The Peacock Intuition & Protection System will:
- Cleanse your auric field and deter negative influences.
- Surround you in a cloak of Peacock feather protection.
- Accompany and guide your shamanic journeys keeping you safe and protected.
- Encourage you to tune into and embrace your natural intuitive spiritual abilities in a safe and protective way.
- As we work with this system we will be tuning into and using the energies of The Oversoul of the Peacock.
Learn about:
- Peacock Characteristics
- Peacock Symbolism
- Peacock Meaning, and Messages
- Peacock Totem, Spirit Animal
- Peacock Dream Interpretation
- Additional Associations for Peacock
- Working with this energy for self and others
Founder: Philip Hilton
This energy enables the recipient to strengthen their energetic field and in so doing, put in-place shielding against negative interference and or attack. Once equipped with this energetic download you will be able to call on and strengthen your ability to screen negativity by simply calling on the latent energy within your energy system.
It is a twofold system, in that during attunement to the energy you will have shield light codes installed. However, once you are attuned to the system with shields in-place, you will also at any time be able to activate further energy shielding and repelling energy simply by calling on the system.
Therefore, by becoming attuned to this energy stream you equip yourself with an energetic armour as well as well as a ready deflective shield to call on whenever you have need of its service.
Negative energy can significantly affect an individual’s emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Understanding its role in the need for psychic protection involves exploring various sources and types of negative energy, as well as the entities associated with it.
Learn about: Understanding the sources of negative energy, Types of negative entities, Importance of psychic protection, Emotional safety, Maintaining boundaries, Demonic attacks and hags, Methods of protection, creating a protective space, Protective visualisations and affirmations, Crystals for protection, Energy clearing techniques, Lightworkers and Darkworkers, Guided chakra protection visualisation,
Reclaim Your Personal Power Attunement £20
Founder: Philip Hilton
All too often we allow others to take away our personal power; this is something we do without even realising what is taking place. Sometimes this disempowering can happen under the guise of love and friendship. We hand over our power when we determine whether our needs are reasonable or acceptable based on how we think other people will respond to us. When you give more credence to external sources than your own internal wisdom, you are handing over your power to others.
There is a deep well of wisdom within you. Your intuition, inner knowing, instinct or whatever you want to call it. It’s a source of guidance and truth. Truth about what is right for you. Not what is right or best for someone else. What is best for you. What works for one person won’t necessarily work for someone else. And each person has their own unique circumstances, experiences, lessons, desires, purpose, and life path. So, while it can be helpful to seek guidance from others, we must never let that undermine our own inner truth.
This energy is twofold in that it first of all puts up a strong energetic shield, which acts to guard and protect you; secondly it acts as a spiritual magnet drawing back any personal energy that you have lost to others.
Founder: Raine Hilton
- The first wave of energy will lift away the negative sexual imprints.
- The second wave will deeply cleanse your auric field and bring you any healing and rebalancing you need.
- You may find it difficult to get over the break-up of your relationship
- You may be drawn to reuniting with your ex even though you know it is not a healthy relationship for you to be in.
- Find yourself drawn to the same kind of person
- Recreate certain negative behavioural patterns within your new relationship
- Expect your new partner to treat you or behave in the same way as your ex
Even when you have ended a relationship on equal and happy terms it is still advised to run this energy so that you can begin your new life with a clean slate whether you are planning to go into a new relationship right away or not.
Silver Cord Crystalline Flush £15
Founder: Raine Hilton
This Flush energy system will gently cleanse, strengthen and protect your Silver Cord and Etheric Body in an Armour of Light while you astral travel using the powerful and little known crystalline energies of Faden Quartz. Faden Quartz energy can be used to increase spiritual connection; it will activate and work by surrounding and protecting the Silver Cord that connects your astral self to your physical self while you travel “Out of Body” in safety.
This crystalline light energy will work on your whole etheric body, repairing and healing any damage or weak areas and strengthening each of your auric layers. The Faden is believed by healers to bring the physical and spiritual bodies together, activating a healing, harmonising, balancing and strengthening connection between them. So, for anyone who is or at sometime in their life has felt “broken” this crystal is for you. The very nature of this crystal will teach you that broken can heal and as you heal, you heal stronger. Learn about:
- Silver Cord
- Out of Body Experiences (OOBE) & Near Death Experiences (NDE)
- Faden Quartz energy and DNA healing link
- Out of Body Techniques to use with this energy
Spirits of the Home Attunement £15
Founder: Philip Hilton
Every happy experience goes into the fabric of a property. This is why some people will say a house is alive and has a personality, in a way it does. If an emotional experience is a powerful one it can lead to what I term a recording, this is a haunting where the activity is simply an oft repeated remembered experience, but, one that never deviates from the pattern portrayed. It is like a photograph or an old movie caught forever in play, rewind and play again. Many times reported ghost sightings are nothing more than these fascinating aspects of spiritual phenomena.
Some homes, not all, but, some, do have their ghosts, these are those who once lived in the place and who for one reason or another failed to move with the times. A spirit is supposed to move on and leave the physical part of their life behind them, however, some find this impossible to do and so will remain in the property. Once you become aware that you have a spirit in the home it’s important to work out which kind you have, this energy will help you do just that.
Founder: Philip Hilton
Land Spirits appear to mainly be one of three different variants:
- A Faery creature with the capacity to exert its presence over large areas of land
- A spirit collective, sometimes also Faery, but not always
- Lastly a creature made from the collective energy of a traumatic episode which the land has been exposed to, such as a battle or natural disaster.
This energy is very easy to use and once you do you’ll be able to better interact with any Land Spirits in your own area or in any other area for that matter, knowing that your intentions will not be misunderstood
Founder: Raine Hilton
When burned for healing or ritual purposes, the smoke from the braided sweetgrass attracts good spirits and positive energies. It purifies people’s auras, cleanse objects, and clear ceremonial areas or healing spaces of negative energy. Sweetgrass represents positivity, strength, connection to the Creator and all our relations. It represents our Mother Earth. It is our connection to the land, to what is around us; its smell honours our ancestors.
Many people are sensitive or allergic to smoky to atmospheres, have pets, not to mention having a houseful of smoke alarms which can make smudging undesirable. Working purely with The Oversoul of the Sweetgrass plant allows us to harness all of the benefits without any of the issues that smoke can cause. This energy system aims to assist you in achieving the following:
- Purify, heal and rebalance your auric field.
- Purify and bless your Sacred Space with positive.
- Create a harmonious energy frequency to energy welcome in beneficial Spirits and Guides
Travellers Protection £10
Most days we make a journey
The Travellers Protection System aims to assist you in achieving the following for your journey:
- Create a proactive mindset for your journey
- Energetic protection for while you are journeying
- Crystalline energies to
use to deal with other related travel issues such as; travel sickness, fear of flying, jet lag, bites and stings, upset stomach and sunburn.
Learn about:
- St Christopher
- Creating a positive mindset
- Energetic protection
- Traveller’s 6 crystalline first aid remedies
- Working with this energy for self and with others
- Personal experiences of this energy
Over the years we have experienced just about every kind of negative energy attack imaginable, from low level entities to
The Ultimate Sleep Care Auric Field Protection System aims to do
- Repel and deal with the source of the negative energy attack
- Cleanse and repair your whole auric system of negative energy and interference
- Provide a protective spiritual technique and affirmation to deflect any further attacks while you are sleeping
Also learn about:
Identifying Different
Negative Energy Attack Coping Skills
Powerful Protective Crystals
Protection Action & Preventative Plans
White Sage Sacred Space Protection £10
Smudging with White sage is a wonderful way to cleanse new spiritual tools before you use them. You can cleanse new crystals to heal them of any trauma they may have picked up on their way to you, It is also a great way to purify anything you have purchased second hand that you are bringing into your home to cleanse it of historic negative energy imprints.
For those who suffer with breathing issues such as asthma or bronchitis inhaling incense smoke can aggravate these conditions. Not to mention those with pets in the home, or oversensitive smoke alarms. As we have to deal with all these issues personally, I prefer to work with white sage by connecting to it in its purest form, at Oversoul level, and channelling it to use in my sacred space. I have had many students and clients asking how they can do this too, which has prompted me to create this simple energy system that anyone can use.
The White Sage Sacred Space Protection System aims to assist you in achieving
- Cleanse your auric field of negative energy and interference
- Cleanse your chosen
working area and define your Sacred Space - Provide a protective and tranquil environment for your spiritual work
- Build and contain the energy you create and enhance your natural intuitive abilities, deepening your connection to the higher realms
This manual will teach you:
- The benefits of White Sage
- Creating Sacred Space
- Working with this energy
Winds of Change Energy Clearing £10
Founder: Philip Hilton
Drawing its energy from the winds, this clearing allows you the choice of four very different strength elements, each perfectly suited to one particular style of negative energy clearing.
The Anemoi were the four wind gods in Greek mythology, each of them corresponding to one of the four cardinal directions (North, South, West, East) from which they came. They were the children of Aeolus, the Keeper of the Winds, and Eos, the Titan goddess of the dawn. You will learn how to call on and work with each of these for your particular energy clearing needs.
Wolf Shadow Protection £10
Founder: Philip Hilton
Wolf Shadow Protection energy is perfect not just personal protection, but, also for property and home protection as well. This energy system comes from Italian Witchcraft or Stregheria to give it its correct name.
The energy works when coupled with the wolf shadow as a deterrent to any who would ill-wish you. I will also point out that this system also ‘Harms None’, as I am aware that for many this is a very important point. This energetic protective system deters and confuses, much in the same way as a Glamour spell work, in that it doesn’t really change things, rather, it alters the appearance from another’s perspective, leading them to a different viewpoint to the one they would have had had they not been exposed to this kind of spiritual technology.
Seasonal Home Cleanses
Winter Home Cleanse £15
Founder: Philip Hilton
Over time a home that was once vibrant, happy and full of beautiful uplifting energy can turn into a place of stagnation which encourages lethargy and inertia. This is the best scenario, because, a home left to its own devices can also easily become overrun with negativity. This can range from the left over energy of long dead arguments to actual negative entities. This energy as its name suggests takes its strength and force from the very heart of wintertime. The sharp cleansing purity of ice and snow and the sweeping broom-like motions of the ever powerful north wind.
Founder: Philip Hilton
This time of year sees the birth of new life both physically and also within our hearts, as we experience a phoenix-like rebirth under a warmer sun and begin to witness the beauty of nature, as the natural world reveals its revelation of colour and newness.
Using this energy can assist you in changing the negativity of your environment after the winter season.
Founder: Philip Hilton
However, with the sun, fun and longer days also come the sound of other people’s parties and noise. The loud intrusive sounds of power tools and building work being carried. Becoming overheated is no fun at all and can all too easily lead to frayed tempers and wrought emotions. This season is the time when aggression and impatience can tip over into violence. This is why we need to take care of our homes at this time.
As mentioned above with the summer sun comes negatives to cause us headaches, literal as well as metaphorical. The noise pollution is only one of these. Insects swarm and sun damages frail human skin. All this affects our mental state and our emotional system. This is where this energy cleanse comes into play. This system enables you to make a clean sweep of the stagnation now beginning to build up around you. Using this Summer Cleanse you can provide yourself with the best possible solid foundation upon which to build your perfect joyful summertime.
Founder: Philip Hilton
Energetically it is also the time of year when the veils between the realms grow thinner, culminating in their thinnest time that of Halloween, the night when it is the easiest time for the living to make contact with the dead. Traditionally, it is a special time for people to look back at the past and to remember ancestors, and loved ones who have passed on. The last Celtic Feast day of the year is Lughnasa, the harvest festival named after the Celtic God Lugh. God of the sun, light and harvests, Lugh was a great warrior. According to the Ulster Cycle he fathered the legendary Cú Chulainn and is linked to a number of sites in Ireland.