Child Care Energies-Philip Hilton - Well-being Consultant

Child Care Energies


With Each Attunement Purchased You Will Receive:

  • One in-depth guide to the system
  • One attunement guide with lots of great ideas on how to best prepare yourself, including how to make your own Chi Balls!
  • You will receive all attunements sent by Chi Ball or 'real time' appointment
  • One emailed certificate
  • Your lineage

When you have made your choice from the attunements/empowerments listed below please email me for PayPal invoice

*The following energy systems have been safely designed for you to use with your children. They are a great way for you to inroduce them to their spiritual path.


Angelic Life Path Healing For Children  £25

Founder: Raine Hilton
Bring comfort and the healing power of Angels into your child’s life to help them at every stage of their social and behavioural development. These Angels will work within the spectrum of three rays of light symbolising the three transformational stages of development from birth, to beginning primary school, through to their teen years and high school, preparing them for adulthood. When a new soul incarnates into a tiny helpless body it has to learn to adapt to life on our earth plane, while coping with a whole range of human emotions, egocentricities and all the ups and downs that childhood brings. Some children are incarnating with knowledge of their celestial and starseed roots, and also past life and in between incarnation lifetime memories which adds extra pressure to their childhood in the first few years. As a parent, family member or carer you can simply select the ray of healing for your child by focusing on their particular issue, and calling in and creating an orb of the relevant age ray of Angelic energy to assist them. The group of Angels within this ray will support and guide them during the day and will watch over them at night, often working with them in their dream time to help them resolve their issues.
Each ray will assist with the following development age related problems:

Pink Ray: ages 0-4 years

Birth difficulties, bonding issues, soul integration, problems falling and staying asleep, feeding and digestion problems, teething, separation anxiety, abandonment issues, bonding with carers, disturbed routine, unable to make friends, struggles in unfamiliar environments, Starseed and celestial integration, past life memories integration

Green Ray: ages 5-10 years

Starting school fears, abuse, mother or father issues, struggling to communicate, feeling excluded, loneliness, fear of the dark,bed wetting, night terrors, attention seeking, sibling rivalry, death of a loved one,

Blue Ray: ages 11-16 years

New school problems, Self development issues, hormonal imbalances, peer group pressure, social anxiety, depression, low self confidence, shyness and insecurities, learning difficulties, alcohol drug nicotine or gaming addictions, sexual identity issues, body self image issues, weight and diet related problems, trust issues, fear of failure, feeling invisible, pressure to perform, exam phobia, crushes and romantic relationships.
This team of Angels works within the Angelic Family Dynamic Oversoul Team.  Whereas the main team works with the whole family dynamic on an individual and collective level, the Angelic Life Path Healing for Children team works specifically on child related issues.
This is a very simple to use and intuitive system. There are no complicated symbols or hand positions to use. Once the Angels from the correct Ray for your child are calledupon they will know what to do to help them for their highest good. Learn about:
  • How each Angelic Colour Ray can assist your child’s life path
  • Evocation of the Archangels for protection
  • Working with this energy
  • Children’s Angelic Rainbow Heart Orb for coughs, colds and fevers, bumps bruises and accidents
  • Children’s chakra development from birth to teen + problem solving suggestions

This attunement is also available as a healing session

Back to School Crystal Support £20
Founder: Raine Hilton
School is a big part of life, so it’s important to feel happy there. If your child is scared or anxious about going back to school, there are things you can help them with to make it better. It doesn’t matter if this is their very first day at school or if they are beginning back in their final year, change of any kind can be daunting. Most schools around the world have been closed because of COVID-19. Your child might be happy when they find out they can go back to school, or they might not. However they’re feeling, it’s natural to be worried about:
  • What the school will be like when they go back
  • Catching up with work and preparing for exams
  • Seeing friends again or being bullied
  • Starting a new routine, or coping away from home
  • Keeping safe and following social distancing.
  • They might also be worried about problems at home.

Although we all have to adjust to a new way of living and this includes school life we can ease this transition by working with crystalline energies designed to target key problem areas and worries. The goal of this energy system is to look at 6 Key areas of your child’s wellbeing at school. To do this we will be working with 6 corresponding crystal energies which will gently flow through their energy system helping them to adjust to their new school day, these are:
Moonstone: The crystal of new beginnings, helping to accept change to their daily routine.
Rose Quartz: This crystal alleviates any feelings of abandonment, promotes new friendships and brings them a feeling of safety and comfort while they are away from you
Fluorite: This crystal improves awareness, concentration levels and absorption of new concepts and information
Amethyst: This crystal reduces fear and anxiety and improves their natural intuition as to what is or isn’t in their best interest.
Carnelian: This crystal aids mental efficiency and the ability to learn, it also works to calm the “butterflies in the tummy” first day back feeling
Obsidian: This crystal provides powerful protection against unwanted negative attention.

Child Lightworker Care £25

Founder: Raine Hilton
Lightworker is a broad term covering those who are Indigo, Crystal or Starseed, Fey or Angelic in origin. These are the ones who have been specially chosen for this Earth mission to awaken humanity and guide this world into a higher state of consciousness. Over the years more of these beings have incarnated and we are seeing a steady shift in consciousness awakening as a result of this.
Childhood for Lightworkers can be incredibly challenging, especially if they are denied the support they need. Often alienated or bullied by other children, misunderstood, misdiagnosed, drugged and patronised by adults. This is a tragic waste of their abilities and many act out in desperation for attentions because they are unable to fit into the mould that is expected of them. Those Lightworkers fortunate to be born to parents who can see this special light within them are supported and encouraged. Their wisdom, memories of in-between and past lives are put into perspective to support their journey.
We will be working with the Ascended Master Collective. They will support your child as they embrace their spiritual abilities and help them to integrate the energy shifts and light codes of information to further develop their healing and intuition. You may find that one Ascended Master in particular will take an interest in your child’s development or several will come and go to accommodate their changing needs. Ascended Masters awaken us to the awareness of the soul’s journey back to the Source. We each walk this sacred path to embody the seven rays of the collective consciousness that emerge from the white light.
Learn About: Indigo Children and their abilities – Crystal children and their abilities – Starseed children and their abilities – The Seven Ascended Masters of the Seven Rays: El Morya, Lord Lanto, Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Lady Master Nada and St Germain

Faery Birthday Blessing £25
Founder: Raine Hilton
Your magical birth: When, where and how we are born it is far more than just the result of a planned or unplanned pregnancy. For this to happen takes much designing in the spiritual realms; karmic goals and contracts to be agreed, soul meetings at key stages of your lifetime to be decided upon, elemental and planetary calculations worked out, to just name a few to provide the perfect conditions for your next incarnation. It is very like selecting the ideal ingredients needed to bake the perfect cake. What does it mean to be born on this particular day?
Many of us avidly follow our horoscopes in the papers and magazines, while others have a professional astrological chart drawn up for more in depth guidance for their next trip around the sun. However, there are so many other elements within this world which also resonate with this magical time, such as; crystals, flowers, trees and even animals. Each of these are energetically dedicated to that specific month we were born. As we bring these elements together and allow them to create a harmonious resonance within us, the more empowered, focused and intune we will become as we walk our path. It is these very elements which we will learn about and work with during this system. This blessing can be a beautiful gift to yourself or for someone you love to celebrate a birthday, but it is also something which you and they can continue to work with every day of the year. This blessing is designed to work with the Faery Guide Blessing below but may also be used alone.

  • You will learn about:
  • Birth month trees
  • Birth month flowers
  • Birth month crystals
  • Birth month animals & creatures
  • Creating a harmonic resonance
  • Guided meditation to connect with your birth month elements
  • Blessing friends & family

Faery Guide Blessing £25
Founder: Raine Hilton
Some people are aware of their Faery Guide while others consciously choose particular ones to work with that they feel drawn to by studying books about them or through meditation or journeying. A Faery Guide is not something every child is naturally assigned at birth. Although we are all assigned a Spiritual Guide at birth, some may receive a Guide who is a member of their soul group, a family member who has passed over, or one of Starseed origin for example. It all depends on what resonates with that particular person and what they have planned for this incarnation.  But as we grow older if we decide to dedicate ourselves to a Faery path we can petition the Faery Godmother to assign a Faery Guide to us, no matter how old we are.
This energy serves to align the child or adult to the energetic signature not only of the Faery Godmother in question but also their individual Faery Guide. You may choose to work with this energy to ask for a guide for yourself, or on behalf of a child. When a child is selected for this service, it is not a random or well meaning act on the part of the adults in question, but a very real pull on behalf of that child towards their Faery Guide. There are no coincidences, merely strands vibrating on the web of life. In essence every child is potentially Faery blessed, yet not every child touches Fey. The modern world is filled with a multitude of distractions. The purpose then of this attunement energy is to ensure a strong connection and by doing so build a doorway between the worlds.

This system contains:
  • A unique Faery channelled communication
  • My experiences of working with Faery Guides
  • Learn about the role of the Faery Godmother
  • Rituals to connect you with the Faery Godmother (for child & adult)
  • Guided meditation journey to meet your Faery Guide

Teenager Crystal Support Energy £20
Founder: Raine Hilton
Guiding your child through their teenage years can be quite an experience and it is completely different with each child. We have three children and we have had to adapt unique approaches with each of them to accommodate their growing needs. Things are even more fraught now for many with the added issues of COVID around the world and all the restrictions, isolation, home study and pressures this has brought into their lives. Mental health issues are at a record high, especially for teenagers who are struggling to assert themselves and discover how they can fit into this vastly changed world. As a parent, communication is key to a healthy relationship, no matter how hard they try to avoid you, or shut you down, it is important to persevere and to try to reach out them on their level.

As your child grows up, the way you communicate with them will need to change to reflect the new boundaries in your relationship created by their increasing independence. Discovering these new and different approaches to communicating effectively with one another will be a learning experience for you both. Effective communication with your teenager can help you both feel happier and more connected in your relationship, and more confident about having difficult conversations and resolving conflicts.

The healing energy of crystals can help to break down negative blockages and cycles of behaviour that has formed between you and provide a basis for harmonious, open and respectful communication. The goal of this energy system is to address 5 Key areas of your teen’s mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. To do this we will be working with 5 corresponding crystal energies which will gently flow through their energy system helping them to adjust to their new school day, these are:

Carnelian: This crystal encourages assertion without aggression and promotes action through increased confidence, creativity and positivity.
Lepidolite: This crystal alleviates stress and anxiety, providing emotional support and balance.
Labradorite: This crystal brings powerful protection from unwanted attention. It also works as a natural mood enhancer, discouraging irrational mood swings and mental instability.
Citrine: This crystal balances hormonal changes and increases feelings of self-worth.
Moonstone: This crystal eases the way through life’s transitions flowing for acceptance of change. It boosts intuitive understanding allowing for ease of communication.