Urban Shaman
The way of the Shaman is a very natural form of living and working in a very connected way to all living things. The word Shaman comes from the Tungus people of Siberia and means one who knows. Many people wrongly associate the term Shamanism with the Native American Medicine people and this leads to confusion and annoyance for those who feel the need to champion the causes of Native American belief. What I will say on this subject is that while the term Shaman has nothing to do with the ideas practices and beliefs of Native American spirituality. There are many parallels to be found and a great many people who practice Shamanism in a loving and respectful way draw on Native American roots, techniques and thought. This in my opinion is not a bad thing. The spiritual is not something, which any of us can lay claim to and claim ownership on.
The Shaman is one who seeks to connect to all things, often called the walker between worlds. Someone who seeks harmony in both the physical and the spiritual. In this system, which is a very loose free form set of beliefs and practices, which vary from person to person, it is viewed that all things are alive and are connected together. Animals, trees, plants, rocks, stones, fish, insects, people and the very land itself. None is more important than the other and all have their place within the overall harmony of the web of life.
Those who in one form, or another practice Shamanic techniques are to be found the world over from Australia to Sweden. Most countries have their own form of Shamanic belief. Many Shamans travel and because of this learn from others on their journeys. It is because of this reason that a great deal of Native American knowledge and wisdom is often found in many peoples practice and technique. The Native American ways are very powerful in that they are virtually undiluted, as they have continued to be passed from Medicine person to Medicine person down the years. However to claim to practice Native American spirituality is not a thing to do lightly, for you must also understand the culture, society and history. This has caused a great divide in recent years and many ill words have been used against such people. The term plastic Shaman is one such insult levelled at the non-Native person who calls himself or herself a Native American Shaman. When deciding to practice any form of spirituality it is very important to do so in love and respect, not merely to appear to be something you are not, nor can ever become.
Why Urban Shaman? Well the answer is very simple. In ancient times the Shaman would not only be of the land, but would also live on the land and with the land. Times have changed and most of us in this modern age live within cities and large towns. So it is only natural that where you find the people you should also find the Shaman serving the people as has always been the way.
I myself practice Shamanism, but I make no claim to be a specific type of Shaman. I am me myself and I practice only that which is right for me and only that which holds truth for me. This I believe is the only way to approach these things, as we are only what we are. The spirit world has no interest in ethnic origin, or blood peoples, it is only interested in the true purpose of the heart. Show respect for all things and walk in a humble way and if the way of the Shaman is for you, you will find everything that you could ever wish for. A shaman makes spirit contact through such means as a drumming, rattling, dance, chanting/singing and deep trance meditation. Above all else it is a healing path, not just to heal ourselves but the healing and bringing together of all things in harmony. There is spirit in all things and in this way all are related one to the other. Being an Urban Shaman I make use of modern tools just as readily as ancient ones. I am well versed in psychotherapeutic techniques, hypnotherapy and NLP. I see myself very like a Master Chef, taking the finest of ingredients from around the globe and utilising recipes both old and new in order to be able to offer the finest to those whom I serve.