Psychospiritual Counselling 


What is this form of therapy? Well put simply it is the belief that any method of therapeutic aid cannot be acceptable as a working model or framework unless it accepts and addresses the spiritual side as well as the mental, physical and emotional areas. This is a much neglected field and one which I intend to champion as both a practicing counsellor, as well as a spiritual being. All too often people complain that they spend half of their first session with a new therapist attempting to explain their own belief system to the therapist before they can get down to the issues, or problems they came to the session for in the first place. Too many Pagans for example have only local Christian based counselling services available to them within their local community. This presents a problem, for these people will find the idea of going to a counsellor who does not understand and in many cases does not accept, or even tolerate their practices impossible. I am open to all faiths and belief systems. I am here to help, to listen and aid those who seek me out. I am not here to judge, this is a job for divine beings, not humanity.

My therapy tool box is full of different methods which work. Why a collection of different approaches? Because we, each one of us are unique and so deserve to be treated as such and not as a member of a particular group, race, creed, religion, or even orientation. I celebrate the uniqueness that is you.



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